Teamwork -
Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” The elementary teachers would like to thank the local groups who have helped us throughout the 2018-19 school year.
The Shelby Senior Center donates time to assist with trimming and counting out “Box Tops for Education.” Those assisting included Shirley Jurrens, Pat Teig, Joyce Knudson, and Avis Rathje. The “Box Tops for Education” program provides funds for our Book-It Reading Program prizes and treats and family engagement events. We appreciate all of the families and community members in Shelby and Rising City who save and send in all of those precious Box Tops!
Pinnacle Bank employees provide students with individual tutoring to practice skills like spelling, reading, and math facts. This year’s helpers included Sandy Gabel, Shelly Nekl, and Connie Nuttleman. Fifth Grade students also had the opportunity to put their math skills to work and assist as junior tellers with the Pinnacle Bank “Bank at School” program. This program allows elementary students to open savings accounts and learn the importance of saving money by making deposits right at school. Samantha Micek, Sandy Gabel, and Shelly Nekl assisted with this program throughout the year.
Our Title I reading intervention program was able to provide additional weekly practices for students with the help of several community volunteers. The extra one-on-one practice is very beneficial for our students. Volunteers assisting this year included Myrla Grossnicklaus, Darlyn Spitz, Avis Rathje, Pastor Teri Lucas, Gennie Griffin, Shelly Nekl, Sandy Gabel, and Maru Whitmore.
We appreciate these groups for their caring and generous support of our students and teachers throughout the school year!