What a great turnout for our K-5 open house! It was a wonderful night and thank you for joining us. Shout out to Mrs. Thompson and Mrs.Willis for their presentation. Also, thank you to all of our teachers and Mrs. Pospisil for registration & introductions! #RollSkies🖤💛🐾 #212°
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
When you come to the elementary open house tonight from 6-7:30pm, please give @SRCHuskyLibrary 's Walk and Read a try! Start at the sign with the balloons and the star on the ground. Follow the arrows to read a story. Don't forget the free book table inside! See you there.
over 3 years ago, Mandy Peterson
Walk and Read
What a fantastic crowd tonight for 6-12 open house! It was great to see smiling faces & there was an awesome energy! Looking forward to the start of the year. Thank you for making time to come & patience with turning in forms! #RollSkies🖤💛🐾 #212°
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
Activities continued! Our girls golf is reviewing the many rules of their sport and our softball girls are beating the heat with fundamentals! Good luck this season ladies! #RollSkies🖤💛🐾
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
Middle and High School families, While you are at orientation tonight, please stop by the @SRCHuskyLibrary's FREE BOOK table. These books are great for personal reading, home libraries, crafts, and more! Reminder: MS/HS orientation starts at 6pm.
over 3 years ago, Mandy Peterson
Photo of free book tables at MS/HS orientation
🗣Spread the Word🗣 Just a reminder of MS/HS Orientation, as well as activities meeting, starting at 6pm. This will take place in the West gym (gym closest to high school offices). Registration forms are located on our website if needed. #RollSkies🖤💛🐾
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
🍔Lunch Update for 2021-2022🌭 Shelby - Rising City Schools is participating in the USDA’s waiver which allows schools to operate the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for School Year 2021-2022. What this means for you: Your student(s) will receive meals at no cost for the entire 2021-2022 school year. This sheet will be at all the open house and we will need all parents to fill out...Important: Your student(s) will continue to receive meals at no cost for the 2021-22 school year regardless of the eligibility determination of your household’s SY2021-22 application. Final Reminder: this DOES NOT cover SECONDS or extras (like smoothies), just first meal. Please fill out the form and return to office so we can turn into the state. Thank you! #RollSkies🖤💛🐾
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
Thank you to our great ladies at the Shelby Senior Center for serving our staff rolls & coffee this morning! Can't wait to work with these great ladies in the future with our students & staff. #RollSkies🖤💛🐾
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
🚨Updated Link🚨 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYsxxYlTLLSMwQg3jXTF0grTVKL5WwM8cfyxhtWqn1r37XyA/viewform The link didn't allow everyone to comment on the form. This should be good to go! Thank you for your patience and feedback! #RollSkies🖤💛🐾
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
🚨Survey from stakeholders🚨 Over the past year, the federal government passed a number of flexible stimulus aids for school districts to utilize to get students back in the classroom and learning in-person again. Since Nebraska was one of the only states that held in-person learning for the entire 2020-2021 school year, students in Nebraska did not experience learning loss to the extent of students in other states where they spent the entire school year learning remotely. With this premise in mind, the district plans to use the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Funds and would like to have your suggestions on areas of need for our school. If you have any questions, please contact Superintendent Tucker Tejkl (ttejkl@shelby.esu7.org). Thank you for your assistance. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYsxxYlTLLSMwQg3jXTF0grTVKL5WwM8cfyxhtWqn1r37XyA/viewform #RollSkies💛🖤🐾
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YRH8zJRqohy6URmcpJ0OM0ZmQCTcKjnAeyHJcz_Q7rY/edit?usp=sharing Please use this link to review our bus routes. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Stewart at steves@shelby.esu7.org or by phone at 402-366-7429.
over 3 years ago, Steve Stewart
The 2021 Volleyball season starts TODAY! Practice in South Gym 3:45pm. #ROLLSKIES
over 3 years ago, Sean Wickham
And we are off!!! In-service is off and rolling with all of our staff members. Bring on the 2021-2022 school year! #RollSkies🖤💛🐾
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
Superintent Tejkl's Newsletter Volume 1 - Issue 4: https://www.smore.com/869um #RollSkies🖤🐾💛
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
Have you ordered your S-RC clothes yet? Tomorrow, August 8th is the first deadline. Get them ordered so you are ready to cheer on the Huskies at their first games!! Go Huskies! https://srcbooster21.itemorder.com/sale
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
Reminder - All students entering 7th grade are required to have a school physical and documentation of an updated Tdap immunization prior to the start of school. I bright orange form for you to utilize was sent home in June. Please get these turned in prior to Aug. 12. Thanks
over 3 years ago, Sandy Voss
LAST CALL FOR PHYSICALS! Reminder, with fall sports starting the 9th, please bring your physicals in ASAP! If you bring them to practice on Monday, please give them to your head coaches! Athletes will have an unexcused missed practice if they don't have it done & can't practice!
over 3 years ago, Turner Trofholz
💡😎😎💡 Our courts will be radiant this year as some new LED lights are being installed. Not only will they help with overall brightness but will reduce cost as well! Great things continue to happen at S-RC! #RollSkies💛🖤
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl
SRC is now offering business advertising packages for entire school year! Package would include logo & ad on video board, business name in programs for all home athletic contests, & a yearbook ad. If interested, contact Mr. Trofholz 402-527-5946 or email ttrofholz@shelby.esu7.org
over 3 years ago, Turner Trofholz
🚨Superintendent Tejkl's Newsletter🚨 📰Volume 1 - Issue 3 for August 1st📰 https://www.smore.com/fkavt
over 3 years ago, Tucker Tejkl