S-RC COVID-19 School Closure Timeline is available at https://5il.co/dtkg
almost 5 years ago, Chip Kay
Shelby-Rising City Schools will have school on Tuesday, March 17th in order for teachers to ensure all students have necessary materials and instruction for the upcoming school closure. Following recommendations from the Department of Education S-RC will close on Wednesday, March 18th for at least two weeks and will develop a Remote Learning Plan in the event Governor Ricketts extends the closure time. Students and families will receive information over the next week about how the Remote Learning Plan will work. During the mandatory school closure all school activities are cancelled. A tentative timeline of information is available as a link on the school website. Please be prepared for the closure to last up to 8 weeks. We are asking all parents to e-mail their child’s Principal with your best e-mail contact address so we can keep you up-to-date on the District’s learning plan and student requirements.
almost 5 years ago, Chip Kay
Attention all Students/Athletes and Students in PE/Weights Classes: Please read the attached note. It is also posted on social media and our live feed. It is information about spring sports and PE/Weights classes for tomorrow. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
The Jr. High Polk County Quad Track Meet scheduled for April 2nd has been postponed. A date will be announced when the situation can be reassessed.
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
The Girls on the Run program will follow the NSAA shutdown and will be cancelled until March 30th.
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
The Middle School Quiz Bowl scheduled for April 8th at the ESU7 campus has been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
The Reading Classics Committee has just cancelled all remaining county and state competitions. The following events have now been cancelled: March 21 Competition @ Seward March 28 Competition @ Meridian
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
As of today, due to NSAA shutting down competitions until at least April 2nd, the following events have been cancelled: March 24 - SRC Track Triangular March 30 - SRC Boys Golf Triangular @ Ryan Hill
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
The All-School Play practices will be cancelled until March 30th as well. Students please continue to memorize music and lines.
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
Cancelled 1
The following events have also been postponed or SRC will not be attending: March 21 - Reading Classics @ Seward (SRC will not be attending) March 23 - Honor Choir and Band @ Centennial (Postponed)
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
NSAA: Effective Monday, March 16 all NSAA activity practices are suspended until Monday, March 30 and all NSAA activity competitions are suspended until Thursday, April 2. These suspensions may be extended should the conditions warrant. Member schools and student-participants are expected to adhere to the NSAA Constitution & Bylaws and activity manuals during this time.
almost 5 years ago, Chip Kay
The following events have also been postponed. A date will be announced when the situation can be reassessed: March 18 - Junior Transition to College Series March 21 - FFA Member Auction and Breakfast March 25 - Junior Transition to College Series
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
Transitions to College Meetings 3 and 4 for Juniors and their parents which were on the calendar for Mar. 18 and 25 are POSTPONED until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.
almost 5 years ago, Sandy Voss
Additional information that Colorado was added to the health departments travel area requiring 14-days of self-quarantine. This includes any location in Colorado. If you visited there over Spring Break you would be included. Please do not attend school and you may be required to self-report to your local health department.
almost 5 years ago, Chip Kay
S-RC will resume school on Monday, March 16th. Please read the information letter on our COVID-19 response. English: https://5il.co/dqv8 Espanol: https://5il.co/dqv9
almost 5 years ago, Chip Kay
The Public Speech Performance scheduled for Monday night, March 16 at 7 pm has been postponed to a later date. A date will be announced when the situation can be reassessed. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
Attached is the most recent information regarding the Speech Public Performance tomorrow evening (March 16). All other activity decisions scheduled for the next two weeks will be discussed tomorrow.
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz
Speech CoVid19
Beginning immediately access to the school facilities will only be permitted by students and staff. The Fitness Center is closed, no visitors or non-District personnel will be permitted in the building. This is in effect until 3/28/20.
almost 5 years ago, Chip Kay
If students and families are returning from Level 3 Countries (Europe, China, South Korea, Japan), or from CA, WA or NYC, the CDC is implementing Self-Quarantine and Monitoring for 14 days. This is a directive from Four Corners Health. DO NOT ATTEND SCHOOL.
almost 5 years ago, Chip Kay
The Indoor Track Meet scheduled for Friday, March 20 at Concordia has been canceled.
almost 5 years ago, Turner Trofholz