How do I explain COVID-19 to my children? Here is a resource for parents to assist in answering those questions:
Students, Parent/Guardians, and Staff: The situation regarding COVID-19 is a quickly changing and fluid decision making process. SRC is working to make local decisions at this time. Please understand decisions made by state associations or the Department of Education are out of our hands, but truly in the best interest of everyone. At this time the NSAA has suspended District and State Speech, FBLA and FFA have cancelled their State Conferences, and several field trip destinations are no longer accepting visitors. We will work to keep everyone as up-to-date as possible.
SRC will NOT be hosting the Jr. High Volleyball tournament this Sunday. It has been cancelled.
Prom 2020 will be a Roaring Good Time!
Tickets are on sale now - please stop by Mrs. Rabourn's room to purchase.
Congratulations on a job well done to our middle school students who performed the musical “Willy Wonka Jr” including the crew, volunteers, Mr. Evans, and Mr. Mathis!
March 10 Activities
Middle School Musical (Show #2) - 7 pm
Please join the SRC FFA Chapter for our Member Breakfast and Labor Auction on Saturday, March 21st. A few auction items are a Green Mountain Grill, Yeti Cooler, John Deere 4430 Pedal Tractor, and several chemical coupons. We hope to see you there!
March 9 Activities
Middle School Musical - 7 pm
S-RC Letter and Fact Sheet on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at - We are not aware of any confirmed cases directly or indirectly impacting our District at this time.
March 4 Activities
District CDEs @ CCC
Book It Point Sheets are due
National Honors Society Product Drive continues
YADA Arts and Crafts - 7 pm
March 3 Activities
-National Honor Society Product Drive
-YADA Plays Fair! BB and Board Games
-Varsity Boys Basketball Sub-State Final vs. Yutan @ Midland University (Fremont) - 7 pm
These S-RC students got caught reading at home! Happy National Read Across America Day, and happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!
Career Exploration Day at NECC. 8th grade students spent the day participating in activities to explore careers and learning about the steps to take to get to that career goal!
Dr. Suess’ Read Across America S-RC PK-12 Read-In today! #WeAreSRC
March 2 Activities
High School Quiz Bowl @ Fullerton - 1 pm
YADA Movie Night (East Gym) - 8:15 pm
February 29 Activities
Speech at Battle Creek
The S-RC February Newsletter is available at
YADA March Madness Activities
A slight change to the previously advertised activities - Mon., March 2 the movie THE SANDLOT will be shown starting at 7 p.m. All activities will wrap up by 9 p.m.. See the attached flyer for additional details.
Join the team at Shelby-Rising City Schools. Openings exist as Band/Vocal Instructor, Head Wrestling Coach, and in English Language Arts. Applications are accepted at
DATE CHANGE: The Public Speech Performance scheduled for Monday, March 2nd, has been postponed to Monday, March 16th at 7 pm.